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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Vitamin D

I popped a Vitamin D pill this morning. To some, this seems like a reasonable and healthy thing to do. To me, it felt like defeat. If I am not getting enough Vitamin D, I am not getting outside enough. It means I've given in to the winter winds. It means I don't want to walk outside, instead walking on the elipitcal machine in the basement. It is not the same. Being outside calms me. It reminds me of the world that is bigger than myself. There is always something remarkable or beautiful. That can't be found in a supplement or an exercise machine.

But as I write this, I see a robin on the branch outside my office window. In January! He is either too late or too early, but the sight of him reminds me that after January is February, when seeds are planted, and March, ready for peas. I'll get my sunshine again soon, and put away the supplements for next winter.

Copyright 2010,

1 comment:

  1. Karen,
    Oh so true. I thought I needed D as well. Then I saw I was meeting my minimum daily requirement in my multi-vitamin.
    I need more daylight and will leave my D with my bra size!

    Nice blog by the way. I linked yours to mine!
